Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Why War Is Necessary

For as far back as mankind dates back in it's existence, there has always been and always will be war. History all throughout the world holds numerous acts of war dating all the way back to the early years of civilization, up until even today's most recent problems. I believe war is a perfectly necessary action, especially when a hostile force makes unjustifiable attacks that put the safety of our country at jeopardy. This does not mean that every issue's solution has to be war. Simply, this means you deserve to be able to protect yourself against a bully.Of course there will always be the thought of being able to live in peace and harmony, but is that a realistic goal? There will always be bad guys with guns who wont take no for an answer. When an aggressor starts a conflict, you can make the choice to either defend what is yours by fighting back or you can surrender to their demands. I have worked hard for the things I have, and if going to war means protecting what is right then b y all means, it is justified. America is the land of the free, and home of the brave.We have come a long ways to become what we are now. Our country provides everyone with freedom and equal opportunities. There is no dictator to force us into living a certain way, the people got to make the choice in who they want to lead us. Freedom is a wonderful thing to have, and there should be no reason why another country should be allowed to get in the way of that. If a hostile country starts to push us around and become a treat to our freedom, we need to push back or else they just might take it from us.Look back on what happened December 7, 1941, â€Å"Sudden and unexpected attacks on Pearl Harbor, Honolulu, and other United States possessions in the Pacific early yesterday by the Japanese air force and navy plunged the United States and Japan into active war. †(ny times article) Japan landed a surprise attack on American soil. If war is an unnecessary action then how are we suppose d to know that more attacks, just like the ones that happened at Pearl Harbor, wont continue? If we don't flex back and show our real strength and muscle of this great country then we are just sitting ducks waiting to be spotted.Nobody is going to pick on someone that they know can defend and protect themselves. A common point made by those who are against war is that it will make our bad economy even worse. I really don't see how that could become an issue taking into account that to go to war food, ammunition, weapons, gear, and a whole lot of other stuff is going to be purchased. Obviously the government is going to have to spend money to acquire these things, but in turn wont that give more job opportunities from increased production needs from all the companies that make what our soldiers need?At first a large portion of money will be used up, but when the companies begin hiring more workers, then those workers will spend there money in other places on other necessities which i n the long run starts a cycle of stimulation within our economy. If there is an adequate amount of demand in a company, then there can only be an adequate amount of employees. But if that same company keeps getting more demand of their products, then they will have to hire more people to meet those demands.Frederic Bastiat, a french economist, was very well known for introduction of this idea through the parable â€Å"The Broken Window† which is apart of his essay What Is Seen and What Is Not Seen. A part of the broken window parable includes, â€Å"It's an ill wind that blows nobody some good. Such accidents keep industry going. Everybody has to make a living. What would become of the glaziers if no one ever broke a window? †(That Which is Seen, and That Which is Not Seen) In this, he illustrates how destruction can have a positive effect on society.In this essay, he proves a very good point that destruction might not be a good thing for whoever has to pay for the ini tial damages, but if things were to never get broken or need to be replaced, how would money be made to be spent in other places? Everyone needs to make a living somehow. Whether it happens to be your son accidentally breaking your window with a baseball or even something as bad as a hostile nation delivering a surprise attack which results in war, the unintended consequences that happen everyday are what help to create the opportunities of work that pay for us to survive.The link between war and technology has always been impeccably close. Neither of them would be successful without the support from the other. That is why if war wasn't necessary, then a lot of today's modern technology wouldn't even be invented yet. The outcome of having technology that is old and outdated, instead of having the latest technological breakthrough in your military's equipment has a high potential that could very well cost you the war. Over and over again, our history proves that the biggest advances in technological growth have been a result of warfare.A perfect example of this statement would be how the invention of the tank in the first World War helped Britain achieve victory. In this war, the introduction of the machine gun made it possible to kill large amounts of soldiers at ease which had forced combat on both sides into trench warfare. In order for either side to advance forward, their only choice was to charge straight into rows of machine guns that were just waiting to mow all of them down.In desperate need of some way to cross through the no mans land between the two sides, attention was brought to the idea of an armored vehicle with all terrain capabilities able to handle driving across the trenches. Armored vehicles had been made before but they were built only to handle normal terrain, so the British created the first armored vehicle that could handle the muddy terrain of the trenches giving them the upper hand later on that lead to their victory in WWI.This makes it very clear that war does help advance the progression of our technology, because if we didn't need a way to get through the rough terrain of the trenches, the tank wouldn't have been able to start off the mechanized warfare era. Frequently it get brought up that it is bad to use our resources to develop and test new technologies. How are we supposed to compete against other countries who are developing their technologies just as fast as us if we don't spend the money on researching and testing new materials?If you think about it though, it is worth having to pay a little extra money to keep your country as safe as possible. Change is a good thing that everyone can benefit from. In an interview with author P. W. Singer, he explains how the military's evolved technologies have changed how war is fought. After being asked how the society of mankind has been help from advancements, he answers, â€Å"No technology is â€Å"good† or â€Å"bad. † Is your toaster evil? Yo ur computer? A Predator drone? They're all technologies, and what we've seen throughout history is that war jump-starts technological growth.During wartime we see a massive investment in research and development, and a vast amount of human ingenuity applied to the creation of deadly devices. But the creation of these devices can have a ripple effect throughout society. For example, without the V-2s that devastated European cities we probably wouldn't have the Saturn V rocket that helped put humans on the moon. †(Military Analyst Interview) He proves to us just how war has given a â€Å"jump-start† in the overall growth. If it weren't for all the advances in war technologies over the years, a lot of the things we have today probably wouldn't even exist yet to us.George Washington once said, â€Å"To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace. † Putting an end to war would be a wonderful solution, but in reality, it will never happen . There is no doubt that war is evil, but it is a necessary evil. It is necessary because it defends our freedom. I love my country, I love my family, I love how my life is now and if anyone wants to try and take that away from me or change that, it gives us the right to protect ourselves.There should be no reason for us to live in fear of some dictator, we have made America what it is today and what we have, many other other countries don't. When war becomes the necessary solution to a problem, sure there will be some problems that come along with it but there will never be a perfect solution. Even an ugly thing like war can have it's beauties. It stimulates the countries economy, protects our individual freedom, and can bring with it new technologies that can help make our everyday lives easier.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Bronislaw Kasper Malinowski: Bio-bibliography Essay

A British anthropologist born in Krakow, Poland, Bronislaw Kasper Malinowsky left his mark in anthropological studies around the world. Throughout his career, Bronislaw dedicated his time to developing methods that dominated preceding anthropological fieldwork. Malinowski is most famously known for founding Social Anthropology and the idea of functionalism. (See Notable Names Data Base, The) Bronislaw Malinowski was born April 7, 1884 to mother, Jozefa, and father, Lucjan Malinowski. Lucian was a professor of Slavic philology at Jagellonian University in Southern Poland. Bronislaw’s mother, born Jozefa Kacka, married Lucjan at the age of 35 in 1883. Although she did not hold any place in the academic world, like her husband, she was part of a family that owned land and held a certain high-ranking status in society. (See Notable Names Data Base, The – Bronislaw Malinowski and Wayne, Helena pg.529) When Bronislaw was 14 years old his father died of a heart attack at the a ge of 58 leaving him under his mother’s care. â€Å". The family had been living on Cracow University grounds, but widow and son had to leave this home and thereafter lived in various flats in central Cracow. They were always rather hard up. A professor’s pension was not very generous: there was, however, some family money.† (See Wayne, Helena pg. 530) As a child, Malinowski attended Krakow’s King John Sobieski public school. He went by the nickname, Bronio. His mother’s side of the family being more maternal than his father’s side, Malinowski spent a lot of time with the Kacka cousins. Throughout his years at the public school, and later on during his college career, Malinowski always had a very gangly body structure and often was sickly looking. Due to poor health, Malinowski frequently had to take time off from school to slow down and not get worse. Malinowski had incredibly bad eyesight and it progressively got worse to the point where he was threatened with blindness. (See Wayne, Helena pg. 530 and Notable Names Data Base, The – Bronislaw Malinowski) While attending Jagellonian University, during one of his health breaks, Bronislaw Malinowski came across the work of a British Anthropologist, Sir James Frazer (2). Frazer’s work, The Golden Bough, sparked Malinowski’s interest in primitive peoples and about human cultures and society (1). Malinowski’s original focus at the college was mathematics and physics. He later decided to broaden his education by studying philosophy and psychology. After receiving his PhD in Philosophy, Physics, and Mathematics in 1908, Malinowski went on to study physical chemistry at Leipzig University in Germany. Then finally, ended his academic studies at the London School of Economics. This is where he received his DSc in 1913 and also earned his PhD in Science in 1913. (S ee Notable Names Data Base, The – Sir James Frazer, Bronislaw Malinowski) After college, Malinowsky traveled to New Guinea, Australia, and Melanesia. Where he began his early field expeditions and began his well-known work on the Trobriand Islanders. Malinowsky studied their marriages, trade, and their religious practices. Malinowski found it just as important to observe the people he was studying during their everyday lives as opposed to simply asking the different cultures questions. Malinowski had the idea that people, while under a study, have the tendency to lie in order to give the examiner what they want to hear. It was by observing cultures going about their lives as usual that Malinowski discovered that many previous discoveries made by other anthropologists, such as Lewis Henry Morgan and Sir James Frazer, were very incorrect. These other anthropologists committed a proverbial crime, known today sweeping generalizations. Malinowski discovered that in order to obtain factual and accurate data on other cultures, an anthropologists couldn’t rightfully assume that because one or two cultures have the same characteristic then a similar culture will also hold that same characteristic. This finding also disproved Sigmund Freud’s Oedipal Complex theory. Malinowski’s practice with extended fieldwork changed the game of anthropology forever. (See Notable Names Data Base, The – Bronislaw Malinowski) With Malinowski’s new approach to fieldwork study, he discovered that these â€Å"savage† cultures were actually more civilized than they had been given credit for in the past. â€Å"For example, tribal marriage and religious practices, no matter how strange or exotic, revealed themselves to be an integral part of the healthy functioning of the community, playing vital roles in trade, community cohesion, and social stability.† (See Notable Names Data Base, The – Bronislaw Malinowski) Along with his groundbreaking discoveries in fieldwork methods, Malinowski better known for his introduction to the idea of functionalism. Functionalism is â€Å"a theory stressing the importance of interdependence among all behavior patterns and institutions within a social system to its long-term survival.† In other words, people in a society require the social structure in order to function as an individual. (See Free Dictionary – Functionalism) Malinowski’s idea of functionalism was branched from Radcliffe Brown’s, another British anthropologist, similar idea called structural functionalism. â€Å"Malinowski meanwhile placed greater emphasis on the actions of the individual: how the individual’s needs were served by society’s institutions, customary practices and beliefs, and how the psychology of those individuals might lead them to generate change.† (See Notable Names Data Base, The – Bronislaw Malinowski) Malinowski marri ed twice. His first marriage was to Elsie Rosaline Masson in 1919. Together they had three children, all girls. Eslie passed away in 1935 after a long illness . Five year later, he married for a second and final time to Anna Valetta Hayman-Joyce, a painter, in 1940. Malinowski did not have any more children. Despite being in ill health in 1940, Malinowski continued to do field work. He had begun a new study; â€Å"a study of marketing among the Zapotec of Oaxaca.† Mid-study, Malinowsky died of a heart attack, just as his father had, on May 16 1942 leaving behind his successful contribution to anthropology. (See Encyclopedia – Bronislaw Malinowski) In today’s American society, we are taught that every race and culture is equal. Bronislaw Malinowski taught us this by pointing out cultures’ same differences. For example, one culture may turn to magic or sacrificial practices to overcome evil while an American culture might pray to a higher, unknown power. These may seem like two different extremes but they are equally a practice of religion to help cope with uncontrollable forces of the universe. I found it very werwinteresting that, although this may seem like common sense to people today, there was one person who was able to destroy sweeping generalizations and the idea of a â€Å"savage† culture. With over fifty successful pieces of work, and seventeen published books, Malinowski had four books that were his best known: Argonauts of the Western Pacific (1922), Crime and Custom in Savage Society (1926), The Sexual Life of Savages in North-Western Melanesia (1929), and finally, published after his death, Magic, Science, and Religion and Other Essays (1948). (See Notable Names Data Base, The – Bronislaw Malinowski)

Monday, July 29, 2019

Hinduism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Hinduism - Essay Example This can be seen by their varying ideas and explanations of the world, as well as the distinct differences in their beliefs and religion systems. Hinduism is a complex, ancient religion. It is unique because it has no known founder, as with the other religions. Hinduism cannon was put together over the years and mixed with other traditions and lore, until it finally was written down in the Vedas. It is the world's oldest religion, and also the worlds third largest, falling in place behind Christianity and Islam (Hin). Often, Hinduism is confused and labeled as a polytheistic religion, when it is not as simple as that. The writings teach that there is one main deity, Brahman, who can from time to time appear to humans in many different forms and shapes. The Brahman is the supreme deity in the Hinduism religion, however it offers an interesting shape and role to the kind of divine and divinity most religions offer. The God of Hinduism is referred to as Brahman when it is referred to as the all encompassing supreme power of the world. It is one and part of the world, and is part of everything and everyone within its creation. "Brahman is often described succinctly as sacchidananda, meaning 'Truth-Consciousness-Bliss', not only possessing the qualities but also being their very essence."( Hin) showing that inside the religion of Hinduism, the Brahman is everything and anything, and is the supreme force and energy of the world. There are many different interpretations and understandings of Brahman. One such belief states that "ultimately Brahman (the impersonal God) is beyond mere intellectual description and can be understood only through direct spiritual experience, where the 'knower' and the 'known' are subsumed into the act of 'knowing'. The goal is to "wake up" and realize that one's atman, or soul, is really identical to Brahman, the uber-soul(Hin). This helps explain the idea that the Brahman unites all people, and is part of everything and the entirety of the world around us. Several different areas of thought have ideas that contradict this school of thought, and may believe that the Brahman actually has being and personality, and may associate the Brahman with one of the lesser gods of the religion, such as Vishnu, Shiva, or Shakti. All of these different interpretations of the Hindu understanding all come from its ancient history, different readings of the sacred texts, as well as different and modern interpretations of faith. There is also another understanding of the Hindu divine, this being the idea of Isharva, of a more personal idea and personality of the God figure. This is the idea of God as a supreme being, and not an overwhelming force and eternal power such as tied into the Brahman ideology. Some sects of Hinduism do not believe in this idea at all, and some of them believe in it in different forms and facets of belief. Also included in the Hindu belief system is the idea of devas, or demi-gods. It is not uncommon for a Hindu worshipper to pick one of these gods as their personal god, and this god may be passed down as part of family life, traditions, or culture. These personal demi-gods are very unique to the Hinduism religion, and a integral part of their culture, artwork, and history (Hin). Hindus also have varying thoughts and beliefs on the connection between the human and divine. The Atman is the Hindu word for "soul" or "self", and is associated with Hindu

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Martin Luther the Hero of the Reformation 1483 to 1546 Essay - 1

Martin Luther the Hero of the Reformation 1483 to 1546 - Essay Example This paper illustrates that Martin Luther’s parents were so devoted to teaching him the ways and the fear of God from his childhood. In the year 1517, during the day of All Saints, and he was then a theology professor at the University of Wittenberg, he made a posting of 95 theses on the door of the church. His major concern in the theses was the disposal of indulgences in the afterlife as depicted by the papal grants and the inclusion of purgatory releases. The present research has identified that Martin Luther first wrote the theses in Latin but translated the whole work into German. This work of the theses prompted a summoning by the church for an explanation to the authorities. The paper tells that Martin Luther would later get involved in more controversy and in the year 1520, he made writings about papacy's corruption, the supremacy of faith as compared to the good works and the acknowledgment of only two out of seven sacraments' validity. Due to this, in 1521 he was mad e to appear before the then emperor Charles the 5TH. The conclusion from this study states that Martin Luther, despite all the summoning and his open criticism of the church, he was not to recant these writings. The result was his banning under the Worms Edict. According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that it was his numerous disagreements with the Roman Catholic Church’s doctrines that sparked many events and within a few years marred the unity of German religion.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Prosperos Mistakes in The Tempest by William Shakespeare Essay

Prosperos Mistakes in The Tempest by William Shakespeare - Essay Example He admitted to wrapping himself up in his studies, so that Antonio, in taking on the Duke's role, actually began to believe he was the rightful duke and that Prospero was incapable of ruling. Prospero seemed unaware of the idea that power can corrupt, as it did with Antonio. His brotherly love and trust blinded him to his brother's faults and actions until it was too late. He was complacent in his belief that his deputy and his team would always be there for him. But he did nothing to keep their loyalty or to lead that team. Antonio was greedy, ambitious and ruthless, using the King of Naples, Prospero's enemy, to help throw his brother and niece into exile. He loved power and looked for more. This showed on the island, when he plotted with Sebastian to kill old Gonzalo, who loved Prospero and stood in his way of taking over Naples. In exile, Prospero changed, he was forced to examine the situation and find the resources in himself and his environment in order to survive. He taught Miranda, and Caliban the monster, but always controlled them. Ariel, his spirit helper, might be seen as his deputy, but Prospero gave the orders, checked progress and examined the results of every activity with discussion and consultation. He took charge of an alien world and managed it so as to reach the desired outcomes. He no longer took anything on trust, but set tests and conditions, and gave explanations. As in the case of Ferdinand's love for Miranda; he tested him before giving consent to a betrothal. "I tender to thy hand. All thy vexations Were but trials of thy love," (Act 4, Sc.1, v. 5-6) His experiences in life had not made him bitter, he learned a great deal on the magic island away from the real world. But he wanted to be back in business, taking up his rightful role as the Duke of Milan. To do this, Prospero understood the need to show who was in charge, but at the same time, to put the past behind him and offer forgiveness. His management skills had developed to a point where he was capable of organizing everybody and everything to his satisfaction, in order to achieve the final result that he wanted, but with no hard feelings. He showed how he felt about it when he said: "Yet with my nobler reason 'gainst my fury Do I take part: the rarer action is In virtue than in vengeance;" (Act 5, Sc.1, v.25-28) In the end, Prospero had power as himself, without spirits or magic, having kept his word and set Ariel free. By forgiving his enemies, he showed himself to be a stronger leader than when he landed in exile. He had learned never to take anything or any person at face value, to look at people's characters and motives and to always maintain control. And finally, to move forward and work together. Works Cited Shakespeare, William. 1611. The Tempest. Penguin Shakespeare, Penguin Books London, New York. 2005. Name: Tutor: Class: Date: The Best

Friday, July 26, 2019

Case study Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Case study - Research Paper Example The attending physician decided to put her to sleep by administering sedative. Not wanting to give sedative for fears of developing addiction, the doctor advised Angel’s parents to consult a psychologist. During the talk with the psychologist, the couple narrated that their daughter only manifested this reaction once, a day after they came back from the hospital because Angel was confined when she sprained her left ankle due to a biking accident. The couple also reported that their daughter had previous episodes of being tachypnic upon the sight of injection and fainting shortly afterwards, even after the administration of shot. The couple thought these were because of Angel’s diabetes, and did not pay any attention to them. Because of Angel’s young age, the pain might be the major contributing and the primary factor for her trypanophobia (Deacon and Abramowitz, 2006). However, the fear of fainting might have exacerbated the condition, and may have made the fear of needles more life-threatening (Du et al., 2008). Because of this, it is the fear of pain that should be important to be addressed first. Angel might have been classically conditioned of experiencing pain with her every injection. The classical conditioning theory suggests that the fear of needles is actually a protective response against pain. In this scenario, the elicited response is fear. The unconditioned stimulus causing fear is when Angel feels pain, and the conditioned stimulus is the sight of syringes. Thus, after classical conditioning, Angel already associates pain with the syringes, and thus fears seeing syringes already (Scott, 2009). To reverse the fear brought about by classical conditioning, a classical extinction should be performed. In this method, the unconditioned stimulus, which is pain, should be unlinked to the sight of the syringes. This can be performed by vicarious learning approach, in which Angel will learn not to fear the syringe by looking at

Financial Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Financial Plan - Essay Example Financial break-even point is defined as â€Å"the point where revenue equals expenses and profit is zero† (Smartacus Corporation, 2011, par. 1). For Dr. McDougall’s financial situation, assuming fixed cost = $2.8 and variable cost = $2, the number of units that must be sold to break-even is 3,800 units. The components of the cost of goods sold is calculated by establishing the â€Å"Beginning Finished Goods Inventory + Cost of Goods Manufactured = Finished Goods Available for Sale – Ending Finished Goods Inventory = Cost of Goods Sold† (Averkamp, 2011, par. 1). For Dr. McDougall’s financial performance, it could be assumed that the COGS was arrived at using this: Financial information could be used to determine the available resources which can be used in future plans and endeavors. For Dr. McDougalls’s future plans include the research and development of innovative products of similar natural ingredients in other preparations to cater to other cultural tastes. Therefore, financial information would serve as the gauge for decision-making and to design appropriate strategies that would achieve the defined goals. The relevant financial ratios to determine profitability and success are profitability ratios such as the gross profit margin (gross profit/sales) = 60%; operating profit margin (operating profit/sales) = 31%; and net profit margin (net income/sales) = 26%. These ratios define that there are substantial profits generated from the manufacture of food products that provide a successful measure of returns for the company. Averkamp, H. (2011). How do I calculate the cost of goods sold for a manufacturing company. Retrieved September 22, 2011, from Accounting Coach: Smartacus Corporation. (2011). Break-Even Analysis and Break-Even Point. Retrieved September 22, 2011, from

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Media influence over people. How governments use media Research Paper

Media influence over people. How governments use media - Research Paper Example Many media sources opposed the U.S war in Vietnam because they saw it as a waste of time and resources. In addition, media held a sensitive attitude towards the war. Media had the authority to leave a long-lasting legacy memorable on the whole nation. For instance, such legacies were the scenes of the South Vietnamese police officer shooting the temple that had his hands held together behind his back. The media incarcerated huge audiences in every bit it could in that televisions captured helmeted cops associating with protesters in Grant Park and spread it across televisions nationally during the democratic convention of 1968. It is significant to note that media was biased in the sense that it failed to mention the increasing conformist trend among American youngsters in 1960s. Media was inclined to show American youths as peace volunteers, civil rights activists and pacifists which was not the case. How media portrayed the collapse of the wall of Berlin The portrayal of the media on the fall of the Berlin barrier was trivializing the wall event. Media manipulated the truth of the matter during the scene. For instance, when the Soviet Union started to totter, journalists claimed it was a verification that the risk of totalitarian communism had never been in existence, however that was no so as per the media claims. The leftists’ journalisms attached the capitalists for exploiting the newly liberated workers after the Eastern Europe gained liberation. This was alleged by a Los Angeles reporter who claimed that communism was good in old days when the state could press personal freedom but ensure citizens were sheltered, employed and hunger free. Media never ceased to shower Cuba’s communist authoritarianism with superior press even after the communists failed in Europe when it was really tough for Cubans. The same happened with the northern Korea where the CNN Ted Turner lamely defended the dictator Kim jing-li’s treatment on his citizens. People were malnourished, thin and starving yet Ted Turner claimed there were no scenes of any form of brutality. Taylor, F. (2006) states that the collapse of the Berlin fence was one of the most significant even in the history of the world since it led to the end of tyranny and human brutality. However, it is important to note that media could have done better than what it events did. For instance, it failed to bring this happening into a historical context. Portrayal of media on Tiananmen Square Tiananmen Square would always remain a political rally that turned into a bloody massacre as portrayed by the media. The scenes of brutal crackdowns in the Beijing square as china was the site of a pro-democracy student demonstration in1989; these events were aired and reported live in media all over the globe. The demonstration granted the media an opportunity for a telegenic foreign story that was easier for viewers to easily identify with. The government was so threatening that it stopped students from talking to the media. This was followed by an official news blackout and everything left in dilemma as reports were being threatened. Chinese citizens outside Beijing neither saw nor heard the true horror of the event, instead received official state versions that described the scenes as violent students demonstrator’s and angry dissidents attacking innocent government authorities. However, this was not the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The state of the real estate market in UK Essay

The state of the real estate market in UK - Essay Example This essay discusses that in the UK, the cost of paying rent went high. With this, demand for rental houses also escalated. A great percentage of investors joined in the real estate business with the expectation that they will amass a lot of profits from the business. The amount of rent went high at an alarming rate with the number of investors increasing. Baum & Hartzell indicate that the amount of supply for real estate as at 2010 was very low. On the other hand, CML indicates that in the year 2010, the real estate business was booming and was very profitable at that time of the season. According to business analysts, this kind of scenario is referred to as a profitable mix, an inclusion of both demand and niche in the supply. In relation to the failure of the real estate business, this concept has a great correlation with the increase in the need to create a supply chain for the increase in demand by the tenants. With the rent yielding a lot of profits, the market experienced an i nflux of entrepreneurs in the business of real estate markets. With time, the real estate became flooded with a lot of people claiming a piece of the market. At one point in the businesses, a good number of entrepreneurs were wiped out of business. This led to a decrease in the number of investors in the business due to the tough competition. At the end of 2010, the business faced a lot of challenges and was not considered profitable at all. This is a major indicator of the reasons the real business declined. 2.2. High building rates Despite the increase in population in UK and the number of willing investors in the real estate business, the building rates still remain high. The international standards, according to FSA (2009), did not meet the booming prices in the period of 2010, since the building regulations were extremely high. On the other hand, the population in UK was rising at a high rate; thus, alteration in the household sizes. Just like indicated earlier, it is the need to fulfill the demands of the market that led to an increase in the supply of the real estates. However, in the period of 2010, less people invested in the business during the economic recess. The returns from the business were extremely high to an extent, that the government recorded a deficit in the number of houses; thus, researchers and made a recommendation through the Town Planning Council that over 200,000 houses must be built so as to cover the increase in population. Donald & Mc Millen (2010) indicate that by the end of 2010, the real estate had recorded a deficit of around one million houses, a clear indication of the fact that investors had backed out for a more profitable business. On another angle, the amount of credit offered to the real estate businesses decreased to a great extent, rendering many businessmen with no other option but to get out of the market. With this in mind, Great Britain: H.M. Treasury (2010)

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Douglas Coupland's Microserfs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Douglas Coupland's Microserfs - Essay Example The exploration of one’s identity is a theme that is discussed by the author and other characters in the novel. In this paper, we will analyze how the characters examine their identities and what is the influence of their profession on their identities? The influence of their professions on their identities is so far-reaching that they start to think about themselves in technical terms. The environment in their workplace has affected the characters in the novels to such an extent that they are not able to think about their lives beyond this setting. The character of Karla, a coder and colleague of the Daniel, is most expressive about her feelings regarding identity. Her thoughts about identity can be gauged from the following paragraph, â€Å"Its all about identity," [Karla] said. She said, "We look at flock†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦What makes any one person different from any other? Where does your individuality end and your species-hood begin? As always, its a big question on my mind.† (Coupland, pg.236). While working, the identity of all the characters is connected with their work. The individuality of person is lost in the settings that are dominated by the machinery. Karla also feels that her identity is being overwhelmed, by the environment of her workplace. While talking with Daniel, her conversation reflects her thoughts about identity. â€Å"She said that we, as humans, bear the burden of having to be every animal in the world rolled into one. She said that we really have no identity of our own.† (Coupland, pg.17). The thoughts of Karla represent the identity crisis that people are experiencing in the wake of a demanding professional life. People are so consumed with their aims and ambitions that they have lost the perception of their true identity. Karla also points towards this attitude of human beings. â€Å"She said, "What is human behavior, except trying to prove that were not animals? She said, "I think we have strayed so far away from our animal origins

Monday, July 22, 2019

Of Water and the Spirit by Malidoma Patrice Somé Essay Example for Free

Of Water and the Spirit by Malidoma Patrice Somà © Essay With Of Water and Spirit Malidoma Patrice Some has written a very interesting, engaging autobiography in which he details his life as a man living between two different lifestyles: the traditional life of his people, the Dagara, who live in rural Burkina Faso, the former French Colony known as the Upper Volta, and the life of a highly educated African man with two PhDs who travels throughout the western nations writing, lecturing, and teaching about his people and their relationship between the normal world and the spirit world. According to Some his first name Malidoma means be friends with the stranger/enemy. The Dagara believe a persons name has an affect on the his life so they name their children something that will always remind them of their mission in life. Some, then, is here in the West to tell the world about my people any way I can, and to take back to my people the knowledge I gain about this world (Some 1994, 1). Some was named Patrice when he was baptized by Jesuit priests at the insistence of his father who had converted to Catholicism. The attitude of Some and the Dagara people is very interesting. Instead of feeling hatred against the white men who had colonized the country and basically enslaved the people while stealing their land and resources, the Dagara are concerned about all people, including the white people and are convinced that the West is as endangered as the indigenous cultures it has decimated in the name of colonialism (Some 1994, 1). They believe that western cultures abandonment of functional spiritual values has made the West sick with a sickness of the soul (Some 1994, 1). Some was basically kidnapped from his tribe at the age of four when he was taken away to study at the Jesuit school. At the time the Jesuits were trying create a native missionary force to help in converting the people of Upper Volta. Prior to being kidnapped Some had spent much of his childhood with his grandfather, a great leader of the Dagara. His grandfather taught him many of the stories of the Dagara people, their spiritual beliefs, and their history. Somes grandfather emphasized the close spiritual relationship of the Dagara with the world, the land, and the spirits of their deceased ancestors. The Dagara believe there is an important connection between an individual, his people, his land, and his god. Somes grandfather could not understand the Catholic Churchs attempts at missionary work throughout the world, . . . let me tell you that a God who would send his people away from their land must be drinking a very strong wine all the time (Some 1994, 29). At the time of his death, Somes grandfather told Some that the ancestors had designated Some to follow the white man so that you may serve as the eye of the compound, the ear of your many brothers, and the mouth of your tribe (Some 1994, 40). Somes grandfather also told him that he came back to the tribe he would appear strange to the Dagara, he would only be part Dagara and would have to undergo the month long initiation in the wilderness to become a member of the tribe. Somes time at the Jesuit school was unpleasant. The priests often beat him while they were teaching him as if the beatings would reinforce the lessons and make him confirm to the Jesuit teachings. When he graduated to the seminary school at Nansi he had similar experiences and often found that he lived outside of himself. He would make his thoughts go away from my body so that when the first blow fell, I [he] was not even aware of it (Some 1994, 114). Some resented the way he was treated and found himself rebelling against the method of instruction. This rebellion reached its climax when Some was twenty and became involved in a physical altercation with one of the priests. During the struggle the priest fell through the window and landed in the dirt outside. Consequently, Some ran away from the school to return to his home. His journey home took him eleven days since he was forced to walk the entire way. Ironically, on his journey, Some learned that the country had gained its independence from France in 1960 and such forced schooling had come to an end. Since Some was about four-years-old both when independence occurred and when he was taken away from his people to attend school, he could have returned to his people long before (Some 1994, 153; 99-156). By the time he returned to his village, the Jesuit missionary priests on the hill were gone, although a day school still existed. Once Some was in his home compound, he found he no longer fit it with his people. He had forgotten how to speak the language; the village had changed with independence. His people were not comfortable with him there, nor was he comfortable with them. Consequently the elders decided he should undergo the Baor, the month long initiation, to quiet the white man in your soul . . . so that his soul [would] come back home and . . . stop being a stranger to yourself and to us (Some 1994, 178). Some describes his spiritual initiation in detail and tells how he was able to return to the Dagara. Once he had returned fully to the Dagara, Some found that he was again not comfortable living with his people because he had not yet completed his mission that his grandfather had told him about and that his ancestors had assigned him. Once again it became necessary to leave his people so the he might be friends with the stranger/enemy. This is what Some continues to do today through his writings and lecturing. However, he is careful to return to his home every year to make certain he reconnects with his home and people. Bibliography Some, Malidoma Patrice. Of Water and the Spirit: Ritual, Magic, and Initiation in the Life of an African Shaman. New York: G. P. Putnams Sons, A Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam Book, 1994.

Disney Movie Vs History Film Studies Essay

Disney Movie Vs History Film Studies Essay Are all Disney movies, which have the characters from History, have the same story as the actual History. If you ask this question to any historian, they will say, No. to find this out I decided to watch a Disney movie, which is based on history. The name of the movie is Pocahontas. I watched this movie and I realize that this movie has just the name of the characters right, but the story was very different from the actual history, which was interesting, and kept me interested until the end. I bet if the Disney had made this movie with the actual story; it would not be interesting as it was after making changes in the story. I decided to watch this movie, because it was Disneys first animated movie that was based on History among all the animated movies. It had a big success in movie theaters, even though; the story was different from the actual History. I am going to write what was happening in the movie and what actually happened in the history. Pocahontas was Native American. She was a daughter of Powhatan, who was the chief of the Algonquian Indians in 1607 (American Promise, 49). Her real name was Matoaka, which was the nickname of her childhood. As the Native American custom, when she was born, she was sent with her mother to live in her mothers village. When she grew up to be around 5-6 years she lived with her father, and her older brothers and sisters. Among the all children, Pocahontas was her fathers favorite child. She was famous for saving life of Captain John Smith ( Pocahontas was the first animated movie of the Disney, which was based on History. Although it had name of the characters from the history, but the story was not the same as it was in actual history. It came out in 1995. Disney movies are famous for fantasy and fairy tales. Disney movies have made many movies based on the history. Most of them movies have the real names from the history but their story is different from the actual his tory in many ways. In Disney movie it starts like this, in 1607, a group of settlers arrived in new world to start new life. Their captains name was John Smith. The journey was tough. They had to go through storm, and person whose name was Thomas and he was drowning and saved by Smith. They were all lucky enough to make to new world. For the meantime, there is a Native American tribe nearby which was led by Powhatan. There is a rumor that his daughter Pocahontas is going to get married with Kocoum, who is a warrior. However, Pocahontas was not interested in Kocoum. Pocahontas does not have many friends but there are some, which from animal world like Hummingbird and Raccoon. They all go to her grandmother and she was a tree that gave Pocahontas advice when she needed. She also tells them a story about the Englishmen. Smith was roaming in the countryside of that area, unlike other settlers, who were afraid to go out. Smith runs into Pocahontas. They both spend some time after that and fell in love. Howe ver, other natives were still fighting the settlers. Therefore, Powhatan orders natives to stay away from the settlers. Pocahontas disobeys her father, she continues to spend the time with smith, and she introduces him to her grandmother (Pocahontas, 1995). This was the story from the movie. In actual history, Captain John Smith arrived in their area. It was 1607 and there were more than hundred people. They build the fort in that area in order to survive from the attacks of the Native Americans. However, in the same year in December when Smith is out for hunting in order to get food to survive, Powhatans warrior captures him and takes him in their area. Powhatan and Smith had a long talk and after that when Powhatan was about to kill Smith, Pocahontas came there and saved Smith by laying herself on Smith while natives were beating smith (American promise, 49). When asked by Powhatan for a reason to save Smiths life, Pocahontas said she did not want any excuse to provoke settlers. Because she knew that settlers are capable of defending themselves, which can be dangerous for the natives in that area. Powhatan arranged for Smith to take him back to the settlement. Powhatan then realized that his daughter did not just saved Smiths life, but she saved lots of peoples life (f As we all know that Disney movies are incomplete without bad character. In this movie bad character is Kocoum; he started to spy on Smith and Pocahontas. Kocoum also tries to attack them but he failed because Thomas was around that area, when he saw that Kocoum is going to attack on them he kills him. When Powhatan came to know about them he declares war with the settlers. He plans to kill Smith at sunrise. When Thomas came to know about was he goes to the settlers and warns them. Another Captain whose name was Ratcliffe think that natives are hiding the gold, and they are trying to protect it from us, therefore, they declared the war. Ratcliffe and some of the settlers decided to go in natives place and get all the gold. Once again Pocahontas manages to save Smith from her father. At the same time, Ratcliffe shows up and he intended to shoot chief but the bullet hit Smith. Smith was not dead on the spot but it was not clear whether he would be able to live with the love of his life or not (Pocahontas, 1995). In actual history, after saving Smith, Pocahontas would regularly go to settlement and play with English boys. Colonist did not have enough food and they all were starving in the first winter. They cloud not even grow their food because it was so cold that growing own food was just not possible. Pocahontas regularly went to visit and taking the food along for some of her friends. She saved many lives in that first winter which known as, Starving Time ( When more ships arrived at Jamestown, Smith went to Powhatan to negotiate to sell him the land of Powhatan. Some Whiteman misbehaved and Natives thought they were dangerous. Smith tried to make a peace but he failed. He got badly injured in a explosion of gunpowder. Nobody knew if he would be able to live or not. There was rumors about Smith, which said he was dead, some said, he sailed away in one of the ship returning to Europe. Pocahontas knew that he was not there, and there was emptiness in her life. She was hoping that Smith would return( Pocahontas and Her World 60-61). In the movie, Disney has changed all the characteristics of Pocahontas and Smith, they made her look very cute, and Smith was handsome person, which was very different in actual history. In movie, audience can see a little affection between Pocahontas and Smith despite of having age difference, Smith was twice as her age. Pocahontas was about 13 years old and Smith was around 29 years (American Promise, 49). All Disney movies have this element in them. One more element that is common in all Disney movies is a man who can do anything for the love of his life, in this movie; man was Smith who could do anything for Pocahontas, love of his life. This movie had many elements, which were remarkable, for example, the animation, and the expression of the characters. Pocahontas was shown in movie talking with the mice and kissing the dogs. At one point where Powhatan is about to kill Smith, Pocahontas runs to save his life, and says, I love him, Father, and lays herself on Smith. But, we all know that is not the real story. She did not say that in real life, but she did saved Smiths life in order to avoid problems with the settlers. In the movie, we show Captain Ratcliffe as a villain, but in real life, Ratcliffe had nothing to do with Pocahontas. Finally, in conclusion, we can all say that this movie had the characterization right but they changed the story, which made the movie from fictional from the Historical characters. This movie mostly attracts the children who like animated movie and this movie has all the elements that children like to watch. However, this can have a big impact on their mind, because if they do not know what happened in actual history, than they may think that what they saw in the movie was true. Sometimes this kind of movies can be humiliating to the culture. After watching this movie, children may think that the colonial life was very easy and happy, even though we all know how the conditions were like during the colonial life. I personally think that Disney should make the movie, which is based on history with the real story, so children can also learn the truth about our history.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Good And Bad Qualities Of Animation

Good And Bad Qualities Of Animation Aesthetic refers to beauty or to the study of the principles of beauty, especially in art. By studying and comparing the aesthetic qualities of the early and current animated films, we can learn the good and bad qualities of animation in the two different eras. We will also compare the similarities and differences using examples of techniques, treatments and technology used in different animated films from cel animation to computer generated imagery animation. Form and shape design of the character for animation The animated films in the past and the present both follow one rule, which is to keep the design of the characters simple and easy for animation. Thomas, B. (1991) states that, during the twenties, there most studios were persistently using the Circle Formula and the Rubber-hose Method as it was the quickest way to draw a character for their productions. Animators need not worry about the angles when animating as the drawing were mostly circles and lines. The arms and legs moved like rubber hoses as there were no elbows, knees and wrists on the character. Therefore using the Circle Formula and the Rubber-hose methods allowed animators to draw each frame faster and they saved a lot of time and money for the studios. By mid-thirties, aesthetic of the character evolved. Freddy Moore added the squash and stretch technique and changed Mickey s body to a pear like shape to enhance the emotion of the character. (Thomas, B. 1991) It has changes how the aesthetic of the film look from that pe riod onward. Bennett, D. (2009) discusses that appealing design enable the audience to identify with and grow to like the character. When designing a character, it is best to think of a personality for it. Having a distinct shape and silhouette allows the audience to recognize the characters immediately. This rule can be further illustrated by comparing Figure 1 and Figure 2, where the shapes for both examples are kept simple, despite the former being an older production than the latter. But if were to compare the different, the Circle formula and Rubber-hose tends to lose interest for the audience as the character were built with the same template. It is also hard for them to differentiate the characters compared to Figure 2, which uses different simple shapes and form to show the different. Through the years from early twenties till now, we have better knowledge of animating as more animators are trained in anatomy drawing for animation in their colleges or university. Furthermore, new drawing methods, for example the Disney style , the Manga style where Japanese exaggerated the eyes (Fig 3) to show emotions distinctly, are devised to overcome the limited animation methods back in the twenties. Despite all these, animators still keep their characters simple to minimize the complexity of animating them. Training for better animators Quoting Walt Disney (1956 cited Thomas, B. 1991), To do the things I wanted to do, I need better artists. A cartoonist is not the same as an artist. A cartoonist knows the shortcuts and tricks how to do things in a hurry. His work might have been comic, but it was convincing. Back in the 1920s to 1930s, animations were done by mostly by cartoonist who did drawing for local newspaper comics strips. Thomas, F. and Johnston, O. (1981) state in 1923, animated figures move as little as possible. It is as simple as lifting up and down the legs means walking and twice the speed means running. In order to improve the cartoonists skill to prepare them for his studio, Walt Disney sent his staff to school back in 1931 to learn life drawing and the study of animals movement. Colour psychology and action analysis were also taught to the class (Thomas, B. 1991). In the documentary The Pixar Story (2007), Disney founded CalArts in 1961. During that period, students were trained by Disney s nine ol d men the Disney s style character animation. The style has become an influence of present day animation. A lot of studios follow the Disney way of animating. Presently, most artists have already attended colleges and universities in order to learn the art of animation. Colour theories and acting classes are conducted to enable them to understand and study how things move and behave in real environment. This leads to more realistic and better looking animation as compared to the past. The beauty of sound in animation Figure 4: In Felix the Cat: Felix dopes it out, dialogues between characters were delivered in bubbles or text box. Figure 5: Felix the Cat uses question mark to express his emotion and dotted lines to indicate the direction he is looking at. In the infancy of the animation industry, animated films suffered with the absence of sound. Quoting Thomas, B. (1991), during the silent film era, dialogue was expressed either in balloon above the character or a full screen titles. Felix the Cat: Felix Dopes It Out (1925) the animated film clearly shows the example stated by Thomas, B. This distracts the flow of the animation. Characters use a bright light bulb over their head if they thought of something great or a question mark if they are puzzled. Felix the cat in figure 5 shows a good example of weak personality. By having these qualities in animation makes the character weak with no reasoning power. Compared to the current animation, characters are more convincing and feel real when they could feel emotion and learn to reason. Dialogue also helps to establish the characters as well. For example, Warner bros Bugs Bunny demonstrates good characteristic in delivering the voice across to the audience and the proper uses of sound e ffects for comedy. In Chariots of Fur (1994), a lot of funny sound effects were used to enhance the comedy, like example the part where Coyote falls from high ground. Sound has definitely changes the aesthetic feel of the animated films now. Creating realistic character animation Basic figures were always anthropomorphic animals or caricatured human characters during the 1920 to 1930. Human characters for animation were presented in very basic and simple shapes. As stated by Thomas, B., (1991) human character animation was not convincing in the past. The human characters were moving in a jerky and unrealistic motion. During the early stages of animation, animators would create stylized animals for their cartoon as the audience prefer it more than unrealistic human characters. Animated human form characters were never seen before until Walt Disney attempted to in his first feature animation, Snow White, in 1937. Walt Disney (cited Thomas, B. 1991) observed that animating animals was easy as the audience wasn t familiar with how the animals move, so as long as they could give an appearance of the animal motion, the audience would be convinced. But animating humans was a different concept. Everyone knows how human moves and it was difficult to produce a convincing animation if we were unable to get the motion correct. To solve this, Disney hired a live actor to re-enact the parts of the animated characters. Then the animators could study and analyze the film and use it as a reference for their drawings. (Thomas, B. 1991) This method has proven useful and it is why modern animators now are taking video references and using them as a guide for their animation production. Similarly, live action references were used in Beauty and the Beast (1991), where the performance actress was dressed in Belle s costume for the act. Grids were drawn in the room to guide animators regarding the distance of the movement or action. The footage was then printed out frame by frame to give an idea of movement for the animators to study, not copy. (Thomas, B. 1991) Walt Disney (Cited Thomas 1991) stated that it is impossible for animators to visualize everything without studying and analyzing references. He further illustrated using an act of rising from a chair as an example. In the past, the character will simply rise in an upright position and walk away. He emphasised that studying live action films allows animators to see how a human body gets up from a chair by leaning forward and using his arms to push into standing position. Using live action as a guide helps the animation but he did warn animators not to fully copy the reference as it may produce unnatural animation. In recent times, as animated features are moving towards realism, live video references and researches have become absolutely necessary for artists to refer to. Frank Thomas (Cited Thomas 1991) quotes that No matter how good they are, actors can seldom give you what you want. Animation since Snow White (1937) till now, like example Toy Story (1995), Spirited Away (2001) and Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children (2005), uses video reference to create realistic look and feel to their films. Bad influence of animation in the past and now Animations were simple and were often based on violence and bad influence. For example in Steamboat Willie (1928), Mickey mouse abuses animals by using them as a musical instrument. Mickey mouse smokes and drinks beer in The Gallopin Gaucho (1928). Now animated films follow a strict movie rating which filters out violence and bad influence to prevent young children from exposing them. Beowulf (2007) is rated PG-13 due to the intense sequences of violence and some sexual material and nudity. Steamboat Willie (1928), The Gallopin Gaucho (1928) Colour and staging Before colour was introduced back in 1932 for Disney s Flower and Trees (1932), the characters were often outlined in black against light background to make it stand out. Thomas, B. (1991) stated that Disney faced problems with the characters blended into the background when they first used colour in their film. They solved the issue by giving the characters lively colours while graying out the backgrounds. Riley, A. (cited Thomas, B. 1991), a Disney Colour-stylist, pointed out that gray is in everything we see. Using overtones of gray on backgrounds will make the scene look natural and allows the character to be readable. In Beauty and the Beast (1991), different colours on the characters clothing represent different mood in the film. In the present animated films, they still follow the way of staging and use of colours to bring the characters out against the background. Figure 12. shows one of the background used in The Princess and the Frog (2009). Shadows were used to guide your eyes to the lit area where the performance of the animation is played at. The Princess and the Frog (2009) But for some 3D animation productions, blur are added to the background to give the illusion of depth when the characters are placed in front of the camera. This method is another way to separate the character from the scene. Director Unkrich (2010) loves to use the field of depth to guide the audiences eyes to the direction he wants them to focus on in his movie, Toy Story 3 (2010) as discussed in the 133 issues 3D world magazine (2010, Pg38). Fusion of technology with arts Technology has helped a lot in animation since the early stages of Walt Disney s production. Thomas, B. points out that (1991) Walt Disney always pushed his studio to be the best company that create realistic animated films in the industry. In order to compete with live action producers, he needed to make sure that his camera used to capture the animation cels was able to dolly in and out of a scene. Therefore the multiplane camera was created to be used in his first feature animated film, Snow White, 1937. As part of the preparation for Snow White feature film, Disney set up an animation effect department to research and experiment with colour gels, camera diffusion and different types of filming technique. The Old Mill (1937), a Silly Symphony, was a testing ground for their effect animators to try on new animated techniques. Effects like lightning, rain, ripples in water, clouds, sun ray, firefly glow were tested and eventually applied to their first animated feature film. (Thomas , B. 1991) In the modern anime movie, Akira (1988), director Katsuhiro Otomo used a camera technique to show depth of the scene by moving and overlapping different background cels on top of each other at different speeds. This gave the audience an illusion of depth on a moving vehicle. In his film, he also requested some parts of the scene to have holographic effect but it is impossible to do that using a movie camera. So what director of photography Katsuji Misawa (1988) did was what he called a counterfeit holograph. He photographed the character with transmitted light which passed through the photograph, creating a doubled image of the character. The use of multiplane during the 1940s and the techniques and methods used in Akira (1988), share common similarity on creating and produce animated films using technology with arts. The main purpose of this is to give realistic aesthetic to the audience. Akira (1988) Walt Disney s Beauty and the Beast (1991), has great influence in the industry by its blending of traditional animation and computer generated image. Disney s CPS software is used to combine the traditional animated characters onto computer-generated background. The CAPS software is able to simulate the old Disney s multiplane camera effect by moving the layers of images towards and away from the camera like the ballroom dancing scene in the film. (Thomas, B. 1991) It was another breakthrough in the use of new technology since The old Mill (1937) and Snow White (1937). As animation starts to mature, new technology were developed and started to fuse together with art to form a new medium, computer generated imagery, which gave birth to Toy Story (1995). Beauty and the Beast (1991) But some studios in Japan still prefer the traditional way of animating. In Studio Ghibli, a lot of Director Miyazaki s works still done using water colours and Cel. It is true that parts of the animation use digital paintings to speed up the work since Princess Mononoke (1997) and it have been a standard for his studio s pipeline. But before the production of Ponyo (2008), Miyazaki (2009 cite by Jones, D., 2009) shut down computer graphic section and focuses fully on traditional animation. Ponyo (2008) is a good example of using traditional hand-drawn animation for the whole film without technology. Though technology helps to improve the aesthetic qualities to the animated film now, some studio still prefer the olden look and feel of traditional medium. Research and development contribution to the aesthetic qualities of animation Research and development are important since the past till now. A lot of money is poured in to make animated films as realistic as possible. Disney invested seventy thousands in 1937 for multiplane camera to make the camera works like live action camera.(Thomas, B. 1991) Same as today, more research and development departments are invested to create photorealistic look and feel to the films, for example, Final Fantasy: Spirit Within (2001) and Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children (2005). The influence of technologies used in animated films has further aspirated the creation of great animated films like Toy Story (1995), first 3d computer generated image feature film, Tekkon kinkreet (2006), for using 2D matte painting baked on 3D background environment. Tekkon kinkreet (2006) In Butler and Joschko s (2009) paper points out that 3D technology has slowly replace the traditional 2D method of animating, but animators still carry the animation fundamental, such as squash and stretch, timing, anticipation, follow-through and weight, used in traditional 2D animation to computer generated imagery 3D animation. More and more animators begin to create a more realistic human motion and photorealistic aesthetics appeal thanks to the potential that 3D technology can provide. Like John Lasseter (1998) insists that computer, same as pencil or clay, is just another medium used to create animated films. Aesthetic in Story point of view Story telling in the early cartoons did not have any plots. Most of the animated films were made up of a series of unfunny gags. Huemer, D. (1957 cited Thomas, B. 1991) recalled that only three animators worked on a Mutt and Jeff animated cartoon. One of the animators will suggest a theme and the rest of the animators will animate to it for few weeks. Once they finished the shots, they will look at each other animation and tried to hook up them with whatever shot they ended with. This resulted in story not flowing well in the whole film and some of them make no sense at all. Same gags were often reused to save cost and time thinking of new ideas which made the audiences bored of seeing the same things on the screen. Story telling now compared to the past has a great different. Now in the present, stories are properly planned and storyboards are created to make sure the whole story flow. Changes made to the story are rectified during the storyboard stage and animation will only start after everything is ironed out during the pre-production stage. Studios in the western, like example Pixar, Dreamworks animation and Blue Sky studio, all follows this industry pipeline. But in Japan, Studio Ghibli has their way of producing story. In the interview report by Mes, T. (2002) stated that director Miyazaki started his Spirited Away (2001) production while the storyboards are still developing. Storyboards were drawn by him only and he will discuss with his team regarding the script of the film. Unlike the western approach, Miyazaki s way tends to be risky as he himself also not sure where the story will lead to. But Miyazaki said in the making of Spirited Away documentary (2001) that this is his workflow and he will stick to it. Conclusion Animation has been around for more than a hundred years, from simple flat 2D cartoons to 3D computer generated animated films. The aesthetics in animation has matured and revolutionized the way of creating animated films. Audiences expectation gets higher each year and when people s perception of cartoons grows, so does the quality of the animated film. Budget also plays a big part in determine the aesthetics qualities of the animated films. With higher budget allows the production house to produce a higher quality film and allows new methods and technologies to be researched and developed. This will contribute greatly to the growth of the animation industry. Till now most elements and techniques that were used in the past are still hold on to dearly by many studios and animators.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Ethnocentrism And Cultural Relativity Essay example -- essays research

It is always troublesome not to understand another culture, especially, in New York City where we live in a society that is rapidly changing. The City has increasingly brought people of various cultures, to interact closer with each other. This interaction can be either positive or negative depending on the level of sensitivity and respect people have for other culture groups. These two types of behaviors are related to two important concepts known as ethnocentrism and cultural relativity. Ethnocentrism is â€Å"the attitude of prejudice or mistrust towards outsiders that may exist within a group (in-group) in relation to other (out-group)†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. (Harper-Collin Dictionary of Sociology). Importantly, there are also three levels of ethnocentrism: a positive one, a negative one, and an extreme negative one. The positive definition defines ethnocentrism as â€Å"the point of view that one’s own way of life is to be preferred to all others† (Herskovits 1973: 21). There is nothing wrong with such feelings, because â€Å"it characterizes the way most individuals feel about their own cultures, whether or not they verbalize their feelings† (Herskovits 1973:21). It is this point of view that gives people their sense of people-hood, group identity, and place in history. Ethnocentrism becomes negative when â€Å" one’s own group becomes the center of everything, and all other are scaled and rated with reference to it†(Herskovits 1973:21) . It reaches extreme negative form when â€Å"a more powerful group not only i...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Public accountants duty to provide due professional care in all their c

The situation that Willis and Company, CPAs have found themselves in regarding Geiger Company’s claim that Willis was negligent, underscores the need for public accountants to provide due professional care in all their contractual obligations. The level of fault that Willis is liable for can vary depending on the circumstances and approaches taken in examining this situation. This fact will be evident when examining this case from the Known User Approach, the Securities Act of 1933, as well as the Securities Act of 1934. These differing options result in varying degrees of liability that Willis and Company or any CPA firm can be held accountable for. Known User Approach When considering Willis’s actions under this Known User Approach, the New York Court of Appeals set the precedent in handling future cases. The New York Court determined that CPAs are held liable for ordinary negligence solely to the CPA’s client and specifically identified third parties (Whittington & Pany, 2012). In order for this to be true though, it must be evident that the company, in this instance Geiger and the specifically identified third parties are listed as specific users of the audit reports (Whittington & Pany). In relation to the loss incurred by the bank loaning funds based on misstated financial statements, the same precedent holds true. The bank, as a third-party beneficiary, must have been specifically named as a known party to the use of the auditor’s report in order to have a claim to recover the loss sustained (Whittington & Pany). The New York Court of Appeals further states that the third-party must not only be known or listed in the auditor’s report as a user but the said third-party must have take some sort of action to prove the ... ...934 also provides a greater protection to auditors as well, because it requires of proof of both misstatement and intent to cause harm as well as reduces liability proportionally. Under the Known User Approach, auditors can be liable for ordinary negligence, but the plaintiffs bringing suit must be specifically named in the statements for their allegations to be considered. These three approaches highlight the seriousness with which auditors and CPA firms should approach all established contracts in order to lessen the liability they face in carrying out their public duties. Works Cited Conahan, J., Nolette, P., & Young, A. (2003). Securities Fraud. The American Criminal Law Review. 40(2). Ps. 1041-1107. ProQuest doi: 230355736. Whittington, R., & Pany, K. (2012). Principles of auditing and other assurances (18th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

The Lewis and Clark Expedition: Sacagawea Essay -- Clark and Lewis ex

â€Å"Everything I do is for my people† (Quotes From Sacagawea). This fun loving naturalist that liked to help others was way more of a hero then she appears to be. Sacagawea, or also referred to as Sacagawea with a â€Å"g† or Sacakawea with a â€Å"k†, is known for her history in the Lewis and Clark expedition.(Sacajawea) She was born in Lemhi Mountains, which is now called Idaho, in 1788. She was the daughter of the Chief of the Indian Tribe, Shoshone. When she was 12 years old in 1800, she was kidnapped by the Hidasta Indian Tribe and taken to North Dakota. The Hidasta Indians also took several others along with her, and raided her Tribe from their stuff, killing a few people. A year after her arrival she was bought or gambled by a French-Canadian fur trapper, Toussaint Charbonneau, he made her his wife along with all his other â€Å"wives†. When she was 16, in 1804, she had gotten pregnant. By that time Lewis and Clark were setting up camp for the winter in Fort Mandan and had hired her husband as a translator. They later learned that Sacagawea spoke Shoshone and Hidasta, so they then asked her to join them, and she gla dly accepted. â€Å"The soil as you leave the heights of the mountains becomes gradually more fertile. the land through which we passed this evening is of an excellent quality tho very broken, it is a dark grey soil† (quotes Lewis as he travels through Idaho Country.) Sacagawea had her first born child, a boy, name Jean Baptiste Charbonneau in February 1805, who accompanied her on her journeys. Clark was fond of her new baby boy so he nicknamed him â€Å"Pomp† or â€Å"Pompey†, meaning â€Å"First Born†. (Sacagawea Lesson) In the spring of 1805 the Lewis and Clark expedition decides to take off. But on there way a sudden storm approaches and n... ...rson of Cameahwait she recognized her brother: She instantly jumped up, and ran and embraced him, throwing over him her blanket and weeping profusely: The chief was himself moved, though not in the same degree. After some conversation between them she resumed her seat, and attempted to interpret for us, but her new situation seemed to overpower her, and she was frequently interrupted by her tears (Lewis and Clark)." Works Cited http://www/

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Life for blacks in nazi germany

All mighty has created human being, a miracle of nature, superior to all other creations. God has bestowed man with all his grace and gifts of nature. To him all men are equal, but man with his contemptuous ideologies divided mankind in classes and creeds, instead of creating bridges, created walls between their hearts.   The insects of racial discrimination, the curse of civilization, are gradually eating up out society, dissolving harmony and affection, transforming human being in weapons of carnage.   Thus the society no longer remains a better place to live in. (Lamb, 243)According to some historians the first significant influx of Africans to Germany originated from Germany's African colonies in the 19th century. Like all other West European countries, Germany established colonies in Africa in the late 1800s which later became Namibia, Cameroon, Togo, and Tanzania. Some Afro-Germans living in Germany today can assert lineage dated back five cohorts to that time. Hitherto Ger man’s colonial experiences in Africa from 1890 to 1918 were relatively limited and concise, far more self effacing than that of the British, the Dutch, the French, or other European powers.But German colonies in South West Africa were the spots of the first mass genocide committed by Germans in the 20th century. German genetic experiments set in motion there especially involving hostages taken from the 1904 HERERO mass execution that left 60,000 Africans dead, followed by a subsequent   four year rebellion of German colonization. In the year 1904 German colonial company had to counter a rebellion with the mass execution of three quarters of the Herero inhabitants in what is now Namibia. Now after the passing of a full century to that incident Germany reluctantly issued a formal apology to the Herero in the year 2004 for that act of violence, which was aggravated by a German annihilation order (Vernichtungsbefehl). But Germany still turns down the appeal to pay any reimburse ment to the Herero survivors, even though it agrees to make available foreign assistance to Namibia. Subsequent to the shellacking Germany received in World War I, it was stripped of its African colonies in the year 1918. (Dollard, 89-90)The history of Africans, living in Germany, dates back further than most people assume. Anton Wilhelm Amo was probably the first Africans known to have resided in Germany. In the year 1703 he was born in what is today's Ghana, Amo was taken to Europe where he came under the shelter of the Duke (Herzog) of Wolfenbà ¼ttel in Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen) and grew up in the duke's castle. Later he became a respected philosopher and professor at the universities of Jena and Halle in Germany He was not only the first African known to get admission in a German university (Halle) but also the first to achieve a doctorate degree in the year 1729.As a professor, he had taught at two German universities and created a number of scholarly works, a Latin dissert ation entitled as De Arte Sobrie et Accurate Philosophandi   published in 1736, On the talent of Philosophizing Soberly and precisely. According to the assembled information, he encountered severe racial discrimination in Germany and had to return to his native land Africa in 1747. Thus there lies the unavoidable fact Africans in Europe were always considered as something unusual and alien. (King, 433)The Second World War was a mid-20th century clash that swallowed up much of the globe and is considered as the biggest and deadliest combat in human history. As a mess up of war, the French were permitted to take up Germany in the Rhineland, an astringent portion of territory that has gone back and forth between the two countries for centuries. The French deliberately set out their colonized African territorial army as the inhabiting force. Germans took this as the ultimate abuse of World War I and almost immediately after that 92% of them voted in the Nazi party. (King, 434)Many of these African Rhineland based soldiers intermarried with German ladies and brought into being their offspring as Black Germans. When Hitler came to authority, one of his first commands was meant to torture these mixed children. Giving emphasis to his obsession with ethnic limpidness, by the year 1937, every identified mixed race child in the Rhineland had been by force sterilized to put a stop to further â€Å"race polluting† as he named it. According to the records thousands of Africans were immigrated to Germany during the past 500 years, many of them were transported to Germany as living curiosity or as slaves. With the establishment of German colonies in Africa during the end of the 19th century made greater than before the instances of encounter between Africans and Germans, but earlier to World War II, their numbers were comparatively less. Countless of them became victim of the Third Reich's racial hypothesis and its consequential crusade of enforced sterilization and murder. (Dollard, 90-91)Even though most Black Germans tried to escape their fatherland, going for France where persons like Josephine Baker were gradually assisting and supporting the French subversives, but unfortunately many of them ran into troubles reaching somewhere else. Each and every country was shutting its doors to the Germans, as well as the Black ones. Some Black Germans however managed to make out a living during Hitler's reign of fright by performing various roles in vaudeville shows. But many Black Germans, unwavering in their principles that, first they were Germans by blood, mind and sole, afterwards partly African by blood, choose to stay behind in Germany. Some waged battles against the Nazis, a few even became Lutwaffe pilots. Unluckily, many Black Germans were put into detention, charged with subversion, and dispatched in cattle cars to concentration camps.Over and over again these trains were so charged with people, with provision of no food or bathroom facili ties carried people, after the four day ride, when box car doors opened, piles of the dead and dying were decanted out. In the concentration camps Afro-Germans were forced to do the worst jobs imaginable. Some Black American soldiers who were taken into custody and held as prisoners of war gave an account of the situation while they were kept ravenous an forced into hazardous labor, even violating the Geneva Convention, they were still in better condition than Black German concentration camp prisoners who were forced to do the unimaginable jobs, such as managing the crematoriums and working in labs where genetic experiments were carried out. (Lamb, 245)As an ultimate let go, these Blacks Germans were killed after every three months, so that they would never be able to make public the internal mechanism of the Final Solution. In each case of Black subjugation, regardless of the fact how incarcerated, en-shackled or beaten they may be they always find a way to continue to exist and at the same time set others free. Suppose consider the case of Johnny Voste, a Belgian confrontation combatant who was taken under arrest in 1942 for sabotage and taken to Dachau. (Dos, 441) One of the jobs assigned to him was loading up vitamin crates. Putting his own life in danger, he disseminated large numbers of vitamins to camp captives, which helped many of them to stay alive, for the reason that they were ravenous, feeble, and in poor health, conditions became worse by acute vitamin insufficiency.His determination was to fight for his own life as well as save others lives. According to information collected by Essex University's Delroy Constantine-Simms, there were Black Germans who refuse to give in to Nazi Germany, such as Lari Gilges, who brought into being the Northwest Rann, an association of entertainers that struggled against the Nazis in his home town of Dusseldor and who was put to death by the SS in 1933, the year in which Hitler came to supremacy. Very little inform ation could be collected about the numbers of Black Germans captivated in the camps or put to death under the Nazi rule.Some sufferers of the Nazi sterilization mission and Black survivors of the Holocaust are still living and acquainting with their story in films such as Black Survivors of the Nazi Holocaust. But they are also required to say their piece for justice, not just history. Dissimilar to Jews living in Israel and in Germany, Black Germans were given no war compensations for the reason that their German citizenship was invalidated, instead of the reality that they were German born. The only allowance they received is from those who are prepared to put in the picture of their stories before the world and go on with their combat for recognition and reimbursements. (Fletcher, 188)After the end of the war, numbers of Blacks Germans, who had by hook or by crook managed to continue to exist the Nazi rule were rounded up and convict as war criminals. Have a discussion about the final insult. There are thousands of Black Holocaust narrations from the triangle trade, to slavery in America, to the gas ovens in Germany.  The comparatively less numbers of blacks in Germany, their extensive scattering from corner to corner of the country, and the information that the Nazis concerted on the Jews were some aspects due to which   many Afro-Germans managed to survive the impediments of the war.One such survivor Hans-Jà ¼rgen Massaquoi, the retired managing editor of Ebony magazine in United States, who was born in Hamburg to a Liberian father and a German mother in 1926, published a book about his experiences as a black child growing up in Nazi Germany. (King, 435) The social and cultural problems of concern that black Germans have to face still today and the way their experiences can enhance our analysis of historical and present day racial issues have been considered at UB at a symposium titled as â€Å"Not So Plain as Black and White: A Multidisciplinary Ex amination of the Afro-German Experience.† (Kar, 77)After World War II with the occupation of Americans of Germany, came the next influx of Africans to Germany. After 1945, as African-American GIs were stationed in Germany, Afro-Germany again thrived from increasing associations between black American GIs and German women. African-American black GIs, especially those from the South, instead of few cases of resentments, were given full liberty. Their positions puffed up further becoming several hundred thousands of immigrant human resources from countries like Mozambique, Angola and Namibia were brought in to encounter with East Germany's never ending scarcity of manual labor. Even the African students and persons in exile, who settled in Germany, have added to the spilling over depth and extensiveness of the Afro-German cultural blend. (Kar, 78)Hans-Jà ¼rgen Massaquoi, who now lives in the United States, in his autobiography â€Å"Destined to Witness†, describes his chi ldhood and youth in Hamburg during the rise of Nazi power. His biography makes available an exceptional viewpoint, for the reason that he was one of very few dark-skinned inhabitant Germans in all of Germany under Nazi regime, turned away from, but not Nazi mistreated by the Nazis. This dichotomy remained a key theme all through his whole life. When the war approached to Germany, Hans-Jà ¼rgen had more, other than the Nazis, to be concerned about.Heavy associated bombing required him and his German mother Bertha Baetz to run away from Hamburg. He credits his endurance to good luck and the help of his mother and German friends. In 1947 he went to Liberia prior to immigrating to the United States and joining the army as a paratrooper and afterward studying journalism at the University of Illinois. That show the way to his career at Ebony. In Germany Massaquoi had luckily stayed away from the awful destiny of many blacks during the Nazi era, but it was more often than not more easier said than done for adult blacks. The fortunate ones were forcibly sterilized but permitted to live. Others were captivated and sent to concentration camps. Some associated prisoners of war, together with black French colonial soldiers and African Americans, were incarcerated in Stalag-III-A at Luckenwalde near Berlin. (Dos, 442)The experiences of Afro-Germans in today's Germany offer imminent look into the conversion of that nation-willing or not-into a multicultural society,† Blacks living in Germany today are classified into several categories. German-born blacks are sometimes called â€Å"Afrodeutsche†, this category comprises of people of African inheritance born in Germany, with either of the parents African. Another class is blacks from Africa, the Caribbean, the United States, or some other place, who are living and earning their livelihood in Germany, sometimes for decades. Unlike many other countries, German citizenship is based on the citizenship of oneâ€℠¢s parents, and is received in inheritance by blood. Thus the blacks born in Germany, and grew up there, are not German citizens if not they have at least one German parent. However, in the year 2000 a new German naturalization law provided blacks and other foreigners the permission to submit an application for citizenship after living in Germany for three to eight years. (Kar, 79)In conclusion it should be mentioned that history helps out us to identify ourselves, recognize who we are and be acquainted with the origin where we come from. We over and over again shrink back from hearing about our chronological times of yore for the reason that so much of it is excruciating. On the other hand, this has brought the black Germans together in their great effort for rights, self respect, and yes, compensations for wrong done to them in the course of the centuries. But at the same time they need to remember the past until the end of time, so that they can do something to make certain that these treacherous occurrences on no account come to pass for a second time. (Dollard, 92)References:Dos, M; Fundamentalist Thought Process: The Dark Side of Human Intellect. (Mumbai: Alliance Publications; 2005) pp 441-442Dollard, John; Nazi Frustration: A look into Holocaust. (New Haven and London: Yale University Press. 2000) pp 89-92Fletcher, R; Swastika: Beliefs and Knowledge: Believing and Knowing. (Mangalore: Howard & Price. 2003) pp 188Kar, P; History of the Third Reich (Kolkata: Dasgupta & Chatterjee 2001) pp 77-9King, H; Skin Color: Texture & Torment in Germany (Chennai: HBT & Brooks Ltd. 2001) pp 433-5Lamb, Davis; Cult to Culture: The Development of Civilization on the Strategic Strata. (Delhi: National Book Trust. 2004) pp 243-245

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Competitor Analysis Essay

Tata Nanos competitors can be classified on three scales Economy, Performance and toilet facility. Based on EconomyThough Tata Nano was launched as the 1 Lakh railroad car, its exact cost range varies between Rs.1.59 lakhs to Rs.2.23 lakhs in the foodstuff at present. With this price range, in the quadruple wheelers category there is Maruti 800, Maruti Suzuki OMNI, Maruti Alto 800 and Hyundai date which has a price lesser than Rs. 3 Lakh. Being the cheapest car available in India, they also have competitors in the dickens and three wheeler separates. Tata Nano would be the succeeding(a) beaver option for this segment of customers if the compute limit is in this range. Tata Nano positions itself to be a family car available to those who can give in a bit more than they would pass off for a two wheeler. Based on PerformanceTata Nano has a 624 cc railway locomotive and has a uttermost power of 37.4 bhp. Compared to its counterparts in the same price range, Tata Nano has a outrage on its engine substance and maximum power. Mileage is also a authoritative factor for consumers in India who look for prize for Money products. Tata Nano claims a mileage of 22.2 Kmpl for its carnal model and this compromises on its engine capacity and different performance characteristics. Most of the other features of the probable competitors of Tata Nano are almost at parity with it. Based on ConvenienceDuring the planning stages of Tata Nano, the team of engineers who designed the fomite faced the toughest challenge of cathartic a car that was both attractive as tumefy as cheap. Tata Nano is 8% shorter and has 21% more interior space than Maruti 800. Tata Motors special(a) have given due splendour for the design of this low bud get down car to not lose out in the market place just because of it being unattractive. It has the best in class maneuverability net turning circle diameter. The weight of the fomite is just 600 kg which is also relatively lesser th an Maruti and Hyundai Cars. This could be taken as both an advantage as well as a disadvantage. But in this case, the light weight of the vehicle contributes to any(prenominal) of the crucial distinguishing features of the car mentioned above. Some of the major launches by competitors that are specially cerebrate to give competitionto the Tata Nano are Bajajs RE60 and Renault has also announced that it would be releasing a new car in this category. None of the launches against Nano could disrupt Tata Nanos market share significantly. Tata Nano is also planning to realise in variations to its initial model to get in line with its re-launching scheme of focusing on a the youth segment than the family segment.Comparison of Specifications of Tata Nano and its closest competitors filch 10 best-selling cars in India

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Character of Lady Macbeth Essay

Character of Lady Macbeth Essay

Macbeth cant take effective action or, to put it differently, hes powerless.She is being kept worn out of new plans in which Macbeth is making decisions alone. Firstly, Lady Macbeth appears in Act 1 Scene 5. She is in her and Macbeth’s castle. She receives a letter from Macbeth logical and reads it.Macbeth isnt the only character who wants encouragement.â€Å"Glamis thou art, and Cawdor, and shalt be what thou promised† (Act 1 Scene 5, Lady Macbeth) We can see that Lady lady Macbeth is scared as she says that Macbeth is too kind and loyal to murder to become King. â€Å"Is too full o’ the milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way.† (Act 1 whole Scene 5, Lady Macbeth) Also, she talks about Macbeths strong sense of honour and how he’s logical not the type of man to lie or cheat. â€Å"Thou wouldst thou holily ; wouldst not play false.

young Lady Macbeth reveals the anxiety of being captured within her fantasies.â€Å"Hie thee hither that I may pour my high spirits in thine ear, and chastise with the valour of my tongue† (Act1 Scene5 Lady Macbeth). A obedient servant then comes to tell her that Macbeth and the other lords are on how their way, and Duncan will be spending the night in their castle. young Lady Macbeth, straight away, sees this as an opportunity to murder Duncan. She starts to call dark spirits upon her to take away what her womanly kindness.For Macbeth, it becomes excessively simpler.â€Å"O, never shall sun that morrow see.† (Act 1 Scene 5, Lady lady Macbeth – Macbeth). She then tells Macbeth her plan to kill Duncan. part She tells Macbeth she will do all the planning.

Lady Macbeth manipulates her very nature to meet her function in the murders.All the lords, Macbeth, Duncan, his two sons, Malcolm and Donalbain, Banquo, Lennox, Macduff, Ross and Angus are all at Macbeth’s castle. Lady Macbeth arrives and greets Duncan. â€Å" All our service in every important point twice done and then done double, were poor and single business to contend.† (Act1 Scene6, young Lady Macbeth – Duncan).Lady Macbeth is extremely direct and intelligent.In this scene , lady Macbeth is seen as the perfect hostess. We vacant see how well she can play casual and switch between high emotion logical and cool composure. In Act 1 Scene 7, we see her talking with Macbeth, in the castle. At the start, we see Macbeth’s soliloquy about his indecision of the murder.

At the fresh start of the play, Lady Macbeth appeared to be a put girl.† (Act 1 Scene 7, Macbeth – young Lady Macbeth).Lady Macbeth seems to be very unimpressed with what Macbeth has said. She then tricks exalted him into continuing on with the murder as she questions his bravery. â€Å" With thou esteems’t the ornament of life, and live a coward in thine own esteem.Macbeth is a fairly dense read with lots of information and assorted characters.Lady Macbeth busy waits in a chamber near Duncan’s bedroom. Macbeth goes off to murder Duncan. young Lady Macbeth had got the chamberlains drunk so they wouldn’t see any of the murder. Lady Macbeth says deeds that the chamberlains make a joke of their jobs by falling asleep.

Dunnetts Macbeth is much more practical.â€Å"My heavenly father as he slept, I have done’t- My husband!† (Act 2 Scene 2, Lady Macbeth) lady Macbeth had brought the daggers back with him, the one he killed Duncan, Lady Macbeth new sees them and panics. â€Å" Why did you bring these daggers from the place?† (Act 2 Scene 2 , Lady Macbeth – Macbeth). Lady Macbeth has to bring them back to bring how them back to the chamber. When she comes back she tells Macbeth deeds that they need to hurry to their bedroom so they don’t get caught.It delivers no simple answers.â€Å" What’s the business, that such a hideous trumper.† (Act 1 Scene 3, Lady Macbeth – Macduff). Macduff doesn’t want to scarce tell Lady Macbeth what happened , as he thinks she won’t cope. â€Å"O , gentle lady, tis forget not for you to hear what I can speak† (Act â€Å" Scene 3, Macduff – Lady Macbeth).

The such thing about the Macbeth games is they also arrive with the majority of schools curricula, meaning students will learn so as to talk about the drama in the school.Lady Macbeth is in the palace and is talking with a servant. She asks the servant if Banquo has left the castle. He tells her that valiant Banquo will be back in the evening.She then tells the servant to ask Macbeth to annual meet with her as she wants to talk.Love is the crux of the issue in an pre Shakespearean humor.After graduating, his friend died in an auto collision.

The woman looks enjoy the marble statue.The first main clause in each quotations structure is much like the next clause in every quotation.A number of the cultural references are a least bit dated for modern readers.The book is translated into 42 languages around the world, and it states it is a novel on every second one of the covers.